RET Site on Bio-Inspired Technology and Systems (BITS) (NSF-EEC)

Sponsor: National Science Foundation (ENG/EEC Division)

Collaborators: Co-PIs: Drew Kim (College of Engineering K-12 Outreach), Prof. Evangelyn Alocilja (Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, or BAE). Senior Personnel: Prof. Seungik Baek (Mechanical Engineering, or ME), Jongeun Choi (ME),  Prof. Tonghun Lee (ME), Prof. Wei Liao (BAE), Prof. Charles Ofria (Computer Science and Engineering), Prof. S. Patrick Walton (Chemical Engineering)

Project Abstract at NSF Site

This project aims to establish a Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Site Program, first of its kind in Michigan, with a theme of Bio-Inspired Technology and Systems (BITS). It will train a cadre of leaders of middle and high school teachers in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by engaging them in cutting-edge research in diverse areas, such as artificial muscles, robotic fish, biosensors, biomechanics, biofuels, digital evolution and biomolecular engineering. This in turn is expected to lead to the development of innovative curricula in biology, physics, chemistry and technology that excite precollege students and liven up classroom learning.

The RET site will partner with a number of schools in Michigan, including Holt Public Schools, Ultica Community Schools and the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program, and will work closely with industry leaders like Motorola, Consumers Energy and TechSmith.

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