Ryan Conley

Grandparents University Program

MSU Grandparents University is a program for grandparents and grandchildren (ages 8-12) to come together for a 3-day educational experience while spending time together on the MSU campus. Since 2007, SML has been involved in this annual event. Dr. Tan and his students offer a session Smart Materials and Artificial Muscles to curious children and their grandparents.

Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)

Dr. Tan has been leading an NSF-funded RET Site program at MSU since 2009, including the RET Site on Bio-Inspired Technology and Systems (BITS) from 2009-2012, and the renewal Site on Robotics Engineering for Better Life and Sustainable Future from 2013-2016 . The Site provides research training and other professional development opportunities for about 10 middle and high school …

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