Pre-college Programs

SML partners closely with the Recruitment and K-12 Outreach Office of the College of Engineering in its various pre-college programs. As a designated Engineering Tour Stop, SML receives about 80 visitors every month including prospective students and their parents.

Every summer Dr. Tan and his students give accessible lectures and hold hands-on, interactive demos on smart materials, artificial muscles, and biomimetic robots for participants of a number of K-12 outreach programs, such as the Detroit-Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP), the High School Engineering Institute Program, the Women in Engineering Program, and the Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS)  for Teens Program.

We have developed a robotic fish educational kit, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to build the robot, including assembling the circuit board, packaging, microcontroller programming, and testing for waterproofing and functions. In addition, the kit comes with a curriculum covering the fundamentals of electroactive polymers, robotics, circuits, physics, and control. 

The robotic fish educational kit developed in SML.

Students in Summer’06 WIMS for Teens Program listening to Dr. Tan’s lecture
Stephan explaining the artificial muscle-based sociable robot to students of the Summer’06 Women in Engineering Program
A young boy fascinated by the sociable robot in SML on SET Day’07
A student of the WIMS for Teens Program interacts with the sociable robot

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