Opportunities with SML

Opportunities for Graduate Students

The Smart Microsystems Laboratory (SML) at Michigan State University seeks outstanding graduate research assistants in the areas of dynamic systems, control, robotics, and smart materials. The lab conducts active research in electroactive polymer sensors and actuators (artificial muscles), modeling and control of smart materials, soft robotics, bio-inspired underwater robots, underwater mobile sensing, and collaborative control of autonomous systems. More information about the lab is available at http://www.egr.msu.edu/~xbtan/sml_index.html.

Successful candidates are expected to

  • be well motivated to pursue independent, creative research

  • have strong interest in interdisciplinary research

  • have suitable background in one or more of the following areas:

    • dynamic systems 

    • control

    • robotics

    • mechanics

    • smart materials

    • MEMS

Interested students shall contact Prof. Xiaobo Tan, Director of the Smart Microsystems Laboratory,  at xbtan@egr.msu.edu for more details of these opportunities. Please attach your resume, copies of transcripts (if available), and sample of past work (for example, papers, if available) when writing to Dr. Tan.

Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

The SML is constantly looking for highly motivated undergraduate students to participate in research. Opportunities for independent study projects or undergraduate research assistantships exist in the following areas:

  • Electroactive polymer sensors and actuators

  • Underwater robotics

  • Soft robotics

  • Control systems

Applicants are desired to have background in one or more of the following: control systems, programming, circuits, robotics, and mechanical design. To apply, please email your resume and (unofficial) transcript, if available, to Dr. Xiaobo Tan (xbtan@egr.msu.edu).