CPS: Synergy: Tracking Fish Movement with a School of Gliding Robotic Fish (NSF/ECCS)
Sponsor: Michigan State UniversityOffice of Sponsored ProgramsEast Lansing, MI 48824-2600 (517)355-5040 Project Abstract at NSF Site
Sponsor: Michigan State UniversityOffice of Sponsored ProgramsEast Lansing, MI 48824-2600 (517)355-5040 Project Abstract at NSF Site
Sponsor: Office of Naval Research (through University of Maryland) In collaboration with Profs. Derek Paley (project lead) from Univ. of Maryland and Matt McHenry from University of California, Irvine, this three-year project aims to develop an underwater robotic perception and control system based on the lateral line and vestibular systems in fish. Emerging tools such as functional …
Bio-inspired Underwater Sensing and Control with Mechanosensitive Hairs (ONR/UMD) Read More »
Sponsor: Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, North America, Inc. PI: Prof. Xiaobo Tan The goal of this project is to develop a soft, lightweight sensor for monitoring the kink (buckling) of an inflatable structure. The sensor is required to measure both the position and the magnitude of such a kink when it occurs. A number of approaches …
Distributed Monitoring of Inflatable Structures (Toyota) Read More »
Sponsor: Naval Research Lab PI: Prof. Xiaobo Tan This project aims to design a soft, active membrane that can produce different wave patterns. Such a membrane can be used to explore the impact of its motion on boundary flows, with applications such as drag reduction and turbulence control. The approach taken in this project uses arrays of …
Sponsor: Gas Technology Institute PI: Prof. Yiming Deng, Co-PI: Prof. Xiaobo Tan In this project we investigate the development of snake-like robot for gas pipeline inspection. The robot is integrated with a structural light sensor to capture the videos of the inner pipe wall as the robot travels. The videos are then processed to reconstruct the profile of the …